Customer experience research for enterprise

Secret View is one of the leading feedback platforms for large retail and hospitality businesses worldwide. With our global community of 65,000+ mystery shoppers and the best dashboard in the market, we accurately map customer journeys, customer processes, and customer experience.


Do these issues sound familiar to you? Then Secret View is for you!

How do I make my training effective?

With our data, you know exactly who in the organization needs what. No more one-size-fits-all training. This is your one-way ticket to modular training.

How do I measure if we're making progress?

Measure continuously, adjust where needed, and give compliments. In our dashboard, you immediately see the top performers and where there's room for improvement.

How do I create awareness of my employees' actions?

When you're often in the same place, you become blind to certain things. That's very human. Regularly hold up a mirror to your colleagues on the floor about how customers experience your employees.

I wish I had examples during evaluation meetings.

"Our NPS score is 14 and the annual revenue is 10% below average." The employee wonders, "Okay, and now? How can I improve this?". Our qualitative data provide direct points of reference to positively influence results.

How do I increase conversion?

Was an attempt made to upsell? Was a member card offered? With mystery shopping research, you can increase conversion in many ways.

Is our strategy being well executed on the floor?

The strategy comes from headquarters. But how do you know if it's being well executed on the floor? Measure where you stand so you know what to do to grow towards perfect execution.

You can't be everywhere at once.

We can. Our community of mystery shoppers is already visiting your location.

Insight at every level of your organization

Take a deep dive

Curious about a specific section? With just a few clicks, you’ll have the data you need.

Management overview

Get an intuitive overview of the performance of the entire organization.


Compare at different levels, discover top performers, and identify who needs attention.


Segment by parts of the customer journey, regions, or locations and compare the results in a clear overview.


Behind every score is a detailed explanation from our mystery shopper. This provides a wealth of examples that are useful for training and evaluation meetings.

Location overview

See at a glance how a location scores and how the score is determined.

Our global community

Our 65,000 mystery shoppers, who go out daily for our clients, form a network of local communities worldwide.

The community represents all demographic groups: female, male, highly educated, practically educated, young, old, urban, rural, and many more segments.

Because we work with shop credits, our mystery shoppers only choose assignments at brands they care about. This ensures they always come from your service area and belong to your target audience. This way, we always stay close to authentic customer experiences.

Quality and reputation

Our mystery shoppers are keenly aware of the importance of qualitative and constructive feedback. Through quality controls and e-learnings, they are trained on our platform to become skilled feedback providers. By performing assignments well, they build their reputation, which helps our algorithm select the most suitable mystery shopper for the next assignment.  

Every completed questionnaire is always checked by two Approvers. They verify the answers, check if the receipt matches, and ensure that the feedback is positively constructive and sufficiently descriptive of the situations.

Meet our community

Ongoing research

We believe in short, regular feedback loops. This increases awareness and encourages behavioral change among employees.  

With monthly surveys, these benefits increase, and it doesn’t stop at just a snapshot. This way, you remove extremes from the research and get a realistic picture of a location's performance. This ensures lasting change.

Work together for the best survey

A successful customer experience survey depends on a good questionnaire. By combining our years of research experience with your expertise of the industry, we'll arrive at the best questionnaire.

In our integrated survey tool, we develop the questionnaire together. This tool helps us work together faster and smarter, without endlessly emailing questionnaires back and forth.


We’re here for everyone in retail and hospitality who needs more insight into customer journeys, customer processes, and customer experience.

From the store manager who wants to know who the standout performers are on their team to the COO who wants to get a handle on the customer journey across the entire brand.

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Curious about what customer research can do for you?