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Brand new Secret View HQ!


After having spent years in a charming anti-squat office, in 2020 Secret View was ready to move to a beautiful new office in Arnhem's city center. Because of COVID, we couldn't commit at the time but in March of this year we did sign and move to our brand new office in Journey Offices. Take a look!

After such a long wait, earlier this year we finally were able to move into the new office. This former V&D warehouse is now the home of Journey Offices, a collective office building for companies of all shapes and sizes. Although everyone at Secret View enjoys the freedom to work where they like, this new office is a great base of operations to fall back on.

Journey Offices 1

Journey has everything you could want. At the entrance, you're welcomed in a reception/café. On the first floor, you'll find a restaurant (obviously located next to Secret View's office 😉) and a large public space with lots of seating. On the other floors, many other inspiring companies are located, as well as flexible working spaces and areas to relaxt with a gym, game room and large roof terrace. The cool neon sign was made by Your Neon ( We're super glad to be working here from now on! Also check out this video and the photos below.

Journey Offices 2
Journey Offices 3
Journey Offices 4