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Introducing: Secret View Survey Tool


Announced on Client Day 2023 and now launched: the new Secret View survey tool! Our developers have been working extremely hard so we can throw the countless Excel documents and the jumble of emails back and forth (just kidding, we love you Excel 😘) out the window. The new survey tool helps us collaborate smarter and faster to develop the best questionnaires. In this article, we'll explain what it is and how to use it.

In a nutshell  

The survey tool is a new environment in which you develop questionnaires. Previously, we worked with large Excel documents that were forwarded. An error-prone and complex process. The new tool is fully integrated into the Secret View platform.  

So as a client, you get easy access to a questionnaire in a user-friendly way with your existing account at Secret View.  

The Secret View team sets up the questionnaire. As a client you get a 'Viewer' role which allows you to view the draft questionnaire and share feedback by posting comments. Secret View then incorporates the comments into the questionnaire and deploys the questionnaire.  

A final questionnaire is directly linked to a survey and lands directly in our community, who can quickly start working on the assignments.  

How it works  

As a Viewer, you can access multiple questionnaires. In your account, you have a simple overview of the questionnaires you can view. When you open a questionnaire, you see the parts of the questionnaire (sections), with below them the questions that belong to this section.

At each question, comments can be placed via the text cloud. Comments can be viewed per question or all together. You can easily suggest changes and see all previous comments for a question. This creates a conversation, at question level, between you and Secret View to create the best questionnaire.  

In case of new comments, your contact person at Secret View receives a notification. When it's your turn to look at the questionnaire again, we notify you. Once we have a final version of the questionnaire, the questionnaire goes to the next stage. The survey tool contains the following phases:  

  • Draft: The questionnaire is under development. You can post comments and everything can still be changed.  
  • Build: Secret View configures the questionnaire, manages the settings and enters any translations.  
  • Live: The questionnaire is active and used by mystery shoppers.  
  • Preparing for new survey: The questionnaire is being phased out, a new version is coming.  
  • Not used: The questionnaire is no longer being used.  

What does this mean for my questionnaire(s)?  

Existing questionnaires will be converted to the new survey tool at the next change. The complex and error-prone onboarding document in Excel is now obsolete. As soon as we work together to implement changes, you will receive an email inviting you to contribute to the questionnaire.  

We look forward to working with you! We will of course continue to develop the survey tool. For example, in the near future, there will be a preview mode to view and complete the survey. Do you have any comments or good ideas to make it even better? We would love to hear them!